The #1 block for entrepreneurs who don’t know what to write about

Andrea Dell
2 min readMar 9, 2021

My senior year of high school I fell in love with a Swiss boy named Marc.

Marc LOVED to talk about cars. Nearly every communication included some mention of cars or motorcycles.

When Marc came to visit from Switzerland the first time, he talked so much about cars that my stepdad, who’s raced cars, has owned classic cars and motorcycles, and is a skilled mechanic, remarked on it.

Your ideal clients are like Marc in the sense that there’s at least one topic they cannot hear enough about.

When I meet entrepreneurs who struggle with what to talk about in their content, the number one cause is a lack of understanding of their ideal audience.

When you know someone inside and out, you know what they love to talk about. There’s no guessing involved — you know because you know them.

So how do you get to know your ideal audience if you’re a little fuzzy on that front?

By listening to them. It’s far and wide the best and fastest way to understand them.

Three ways that work exceptionally well for me:

1. Interview your ideal clients.

Ask questions about their dreams, desires, fears, and outcomes, then zip your lip and let them talk.

2. Be a fly on the wall.

Locate the groups — online or in person — where they hang out and read/listen to what they talk about when they’re not “on the spot.”

3. Read reviews of books and podcasts they buy — positive and negative both.

(Look for negative reviews that are constructive, not the ones from people who clearly misunderstood the product, are playing victim, or have an axe to grind.)

Bottom line: Be the investigator. Gather data whenever you can, by asking questions, listening, and observing.

Also remember that getting to know your ideal audience is not a one and done experience. There is always more to learn.

And the more you learn about them, the easier it gets to come up with content they want to consume and buy from.

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Andrea Dell

Hi! I’m a Badass Copywriter for high-octane women entrepreneurs with mission-driven businesses that bring hope and healing to the world.